45% Costs Reduction Thanks to Automated Management

Automation of resource acquisition based on the current reserves level
Automation of reserves aquisition based on their consumption
Costs reduction up to 45 % compared to non-automated systems
Fast and Multilevel Alarm Feedback
- Island-system provides immediate alerts in case of failure of measurement technologies
- The type of feedback to a maintenance depends on failure seriousness
- Early alarm can save technologies from considerable damages

Visualization on Screens, Monitors and Mobile Devices

- Island-system calculates and displays the latest information about storage tank levels or piping flow rates
- Island-system displays the current status of all connected measurement devices
- Visualization SW application is available both for PC and mobile operating systems
Comprehensive Reports
- Daily summary graphs of resource production, storage and distribution within the user-specified time interval
- Tables with data from all connected measurement technologies
- Reports can be used for comparison with databases from other systems